one factor involved is the greater the exhaust velocity of the gases relative to the rocket, ve, the greater the acceleration is. The practical limit for ve is about 2.5×103m/s for typical (non-nuclear) hot-gas propulsion systems.
The second factor is the rate at which mass is ejected from the rocket. This is the factor Δm/Δt in the equation. The quantity (Δm/Δt)ve, with units of newtons, is called “thrust.” The faster the rocket burns its fuel, the greater its thrust, and the greater its acceleration.
The last factor is the mass m of the rocket. The smaller the mass is (with every other factor being the same), the greater the acceleration. The rocket mass m decreases dramatically during flight because most of the rocket is fuel when it begins, so that acceleration increases continuously, reaching a maximum just before the fuel is exhausted.
To achieve high speeds in order to travel to continents, to obtain orbit, or escapes earth gravitational pull, the mass of the rocket other than fuel must be as small as possible.
With the absence of air resistance and neglecting gravity the final velocity of a one-stage rocket initially at rest could be written as V = V_e(ln) (m_o/m_r)
where the ln(m_o/m_r) is the natural logarithm of the ratio of the initial mass of the rocket(m_o) and the final mass of the rocket(m_r) after all the fuel has been dispersed